
One of the things I do miss about not roleplaying full time is the outfits.  It’s a lot of fun for me to create looks for characters, sometimes even more fun than actually playing them.  I can put together hair and skin and clothes and they start to come to life in my head, little stories about who they are and such.  I think that’s why I like doing the photo shoots I’ve been doing.  It let’s me put together characters without actually having to play them and if I can find items from hunts it’s practically a free hobby.

I heard about a holiday hunt going on at Angelwing, six complete medieval fantasy outfits so I had to pop by and try it.  It was a nice small and relatively easy hunt (which ends Dec 3oth so you’ll want to get over there) and I’m thrilled with the gifts.  Right away my mind started twirling a new character, an elven fairy pixie type thing.  I popped by Al Vulo to see if I could get the new group gift skin there, and guess what it’s called?  “Soul of an Angel”.  I’m not even kidding.  Angelwing gifts, Soul of an Angel skin, sometimes things just come together like that for me and I don’t even question it anymore.

Angelwing (Xylia Outfit from Hunt)

Al Vulo (Soul of an Angel skin group gift )

D!va (Marie Hair group gift)

I switched to Niran’s viewer for these photos, as I mentioned before I’m in love with the way Second Life looks with that viewer and the options it has for photography and graphics. I can’t imagine doing photos on anything else but I am finding I do miss a few features. It doesn’t have a built in AO, which I can live without because I used a regular AO for years, but it also doesn’t have attachable IMs and Local Chat. They are two seperate windows. I thought I’d get used to it, but for day to day chit chattering, roleplayer, shopping and touring I do find it cumbersome so I’m back on either Phoenix or Firestorm most days then switching to Niran’s for photography.

It’s worth it to switch though… just look at what I was able to do with the water settings and reflections on Niran’s Viewer.

These are barely edited outside of Second Life. Some cropping, a tweak of the contrast but that’s about it. Even that colored orb of light you see isn’t a photoediting effect, they are actually flying around the sim I was on and I just happen to catch one in that photo.

I’m thrilled with the sim I found for this photoshoot. I had just searched elf and when I found a sim called Unicorn Sanctuary and saw the picture they had I knew I had to check it out. The unicorn Sanctuary is actually just a part of two sims, Elven Mist and Elven Realm

Not only are these sims gorgeous for photos and fun to walk around, but there are QUESTS! You’ll find dragons,  giant mushrooms, and ancient trees that give you a notecard  when you click on them. Like this…

You approach a group of 3 mushrooms, staring helplessly in horror at the sight across the river, they do not turn their head, but speak in unison.

Cursed and hurt and dead, cruel is the Boggle, true were his words, dire our crime, dire our fate, nothing but gloom, nothing but doom, since the theft of the Mushroom.

Freedom they seek, cursed they linger.

Help us, find us our salvation, help us end their suffering.

A Hard Fungal Herb, a Squishy Fungal Herb, a Potent Fungal Herb, a Living Fungal Herb, a Dead Fungal Herb

our home before, our prison of the past, among the cluster of gloom, find the herbs among those that still dwell within.

rez items on Stone Slab, then click the stone to offer them.

Quest items indicated by Purple Particles.

Then you explore the sims looking for the items they want, click on them and buy them for 0L,  and return them to get a gift. It’s pretty cool, but honestly a bit difficult. Even with some help I only finished 2 of the 7 quests but I’m definitely going back to finish the rest. I admit, part of the distraction was the reflections in the water. I don’t know why but I was fascinated by just walking along or in the river. I’m not sure if it was the various water and reflections settings I can do with this viewer, or just the mood I was in, but almost all the photos on my desktop feature reflections.

This one I’m particularly pleased with.

I don’t know how other Second Life Photographers do it, but I rarely start with a photograph in mind. It starts with an outfit or a look or skin that inspires me, then eventually I find a place that feels right. From there, it’s all luck. I can spend hours playing with lighting, poses, and angles, saving dozens of photos to my desktop without even looking at them. When I feel I’m all done I then open them up and start discarding. For every 20 pictures I take there is maybe one I’ll like enough to post here. It’s not even usually the ones I think it will be, sometimes the photos surprise me.

This last one I’m going to show you is one of those surprises. I was having so much fun with the reflections I thought it might be cool to do a topless picture. Now hang on! Before you click the spoiler and be all OMG BEWBS, let me explain. I didn’t snap the topless pictures for the blog, they were just a little bit of fun for private use, but then I saw this one and it just took my breath away. I couldn’t stop staring at it. I have to say it’s one of the best pictures I’ve ever taken, and completely by accident. Once you click the spoiler, look at her eyes, well not her eyes, but the reflection’s eyes. It’s almost as if the girl herself is too shy to look at you, but her reflection has something completely different in mind.  Perhaps I’m reading too much in a photo, maybe you’ll just see nudity, but in any case I put it behind the cut so as not to offend anyone.

Just click the read more link here to see what I mean, warning it’s NSFW.

Continue reading

Merry Christmas Misfits

The groceries are bought, the tree is trimmed, presents wrapped, I’m almost done here at my place so I slipped into this adorable set of cozy pajamas from Intrigue Co’s Subscribo-Matic and hopped on the train to Santa’s Workshop to see if I could lend a hand.

I actually found the workshop empty when I arrived so I started to explore.  I tip toed into one of the smaller houses and realized why.  The elves were all asleep in their beds.  Poor things.  

I made my way over to the stables, and even the reindeer seemed about ready to call it a night.  I asked Rudolf if he knew of anyone who might need my help and he suggested I pop by the big house and see Mrs. Claus.

Sure enough there she was elbows deep in flour and put me to work rolling out the dough for sugar cookies. 

When we were done she said I could pick my favorite and hang it on the tree.

With all of that out of the way, I gave her a big hug and told her I’d head down and find Santa and let him know it was time to call it a night.  I found him in his big chair and slid up on his lap not to ask for anything, but to thank him for giving me a pretty special year of both ups and downs that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

With everyone settled in I wandered a bit and then I saw it… in the distance there… and I knew then that this was the real reason I was drawn here, and ultimately where I belong. 

From the crazy characters on the various gorean forums to the personalities on SLU.  My fellow breedable addicts and roleplayers of all genres.  The gang at Ravenswood Theater and all the freebie hunters.  Everyone at Tarnwald and all of the Happy Clams.  I’ve met and chatted with countless people who have made this year so special.  I’m reluctant to name names for fear I miss some but a few very special shout outs must go to Ven, Hollie, Jon, Victor, Fate, Luc, Dust, Mateo, Ice, Thyri, Bear, Tamar, Jack, Asher, Med and the one person who I can never thank enough, the incomparable Kismet.

 Merry Christmas to all my friends and family on Misfit Island. 

 Santa’s Workshop

 Intrigue Co

Niran’s Viewer

*sighs*  The endless viewer conundrum.  They all have their pros and cons, and as just a layman average user I know some features I like/want/need and I know things that annoy me, but that’s about it.  I’m not qualified to give any kind of technical review of any of them.  I used Phoenix for a long time, then switched to Firestorm to see mesh, and contemplated going back to Phoenix when it got mesh but then  I read an excellent blog post over at Living In A Modem World

Anything you want to know about Niran’s viewer, Inara has already done a better job thann I ever could in describing so check out the link above for a proper review.

I’m just going to tell you my average jane first impressions:

1)  I logged in and see little buttons on the left, right and *gasp* TOP of the screen.  I had read that in the post, but I didn’t realize how much sense this would make until I used it myself.  I quickly figured out how to right click on the buttons, chose which ones I wanted, and move them where I liked which ended up being all along the top.  Love love being able to customize this.

2)  The camera movements are smoooooth.  I wish I had more techy words to describe this.  I don’t even know why this is the way it is or what makes it different then other viewers but it just is.  Camming around feels like being in some sort of flight simulator game or something.  I love it. 

3)  No menus.  Everything is under one navigation pane and apparently Niran’s brain works the same way mine does because everything was extremely intuitive to me in terms of where to look for things.

4)  Preferences has… TWO graphics tabs.  Whoa.  OK I’ll admit I’m intimidated, and it’s going to take me a while to figure out what all these graphics settings do, but I’m super excited.  Perhaps if people have experience with Kirstens viewer they will find an easier time adapting than I did but I’m learning fairly quickly.  One thing I noted is that the “High” setting on Niran’s is equivalent to “Ultra” on the official viewer.  That means you get a whole additional level of graphics quality I guess.

The most important and noticeable thing with using Niran’s viewer is… well… how everything looks.  These are two unedited snapshots I took in SL today.  I didn’t do anything fancy really, just turned on Ultra and snapped the photos.  No poses, not setting up the shot, just walking around with my regular AO and snapping shots.

I’m lost for words. 

I was able to get 45 FPS on Ultra graphics taking these snapshots at the KittyS Winterland sim I just visited the other day for my snowshoe post.  That’s ample performance for me, heck I’d even take a hit on performance to have my SL look like this.  Lowering my settings to medium, which is probably all I need for day to day when I’m not doing photos, I’m over 100 FPS which at that point doesn’t even matter any more as I understand it.

I have a feeling you’ll be seeing me taking a lot more photographs as I continue to experiment with this viewer.

Niran’s Blog


Snow White and a Big Red Dress

Weekends often find me easing into my morning with a cup pot of coffee and browsing forums and blogs.  When I saw this red dress from Gizza  on Free Style I had two thoughts.

1)       That’s a big dress.

2)       I must photograph it.

Inspiration strikes me at the oddest times and for the strangest reasons but I don’t question it.  I just let it take me where it will and see where I end up.

A dress like this needs the right skin and my regular skin wasn’t going to cut it for the photo I had in mind.  I needed something high fashion, photogenic and bold.

Glam Affair came to mind as they usually have some very dramatic skins so I went over and guess what their group gift is called this month?  Linn – Snow White.  Now, perhaps the connection won’t click for some of you, but one of my avatars, the one I’ve used longest and most as my roleplay character, is named Linn.  How crazy is that?  I had to have it of course. 

So here I am walking around Mysterious Wave in my Snow White skin and my Big Red Dress, thinking I’m all fashionista and creative as I try all my new poses from Adorkable and play with lighting, and then I catch this statue in the background of one of my photos. 

I was going to trash this photo, or try to crop him out, and then I realized… it’s perfect just the way it is.  Playing pixel model and photographer, pretending to be all artsy in my gigantic dress wading knee deep in water is a bit silly of me, perhaps face palm worthy, but  that’s probably why I had so much fun doing it.  Why have a virtual life if you can’t be ridiculous sometimes?

A huge thanks goes to the sim itself, Mysterious Wave, for inspiring me to attempt “art” with the unexpected.


Glam Affair


Mysterious Wave

I Have Snowshoes!

I can’t believe how generous the Second Life creators and merchants are being during this holiday season.  I’ve been busy all month so far just doing the hunts and advent calendars out there.  I am going to take a few minutes to show you a few of my favorite things…. Cue music!

First, you aren’t even going to believe this, Snowshoes!  I’ve said before that Miel is one of my favorite stores so when I got the offline notice about a new SubscribOmatic gift I rushed to log in and see what it was.  Two sets of snowshoes, one you wear normally, the other is animated and makes you walk like you are actually snowshoeing.  I couldn’t stop laughing!  The boot portion is color change as well.  Check it out, aren’t they gorgeous?  I don’t know if Goreans had snowshoes or not, but if even if there isn’t any specific mention of it, I don’t see it being too far a stretch so I might have to take my coin girl on a stroll with these when no one is looking.


So what did every girl want for Christmas?  Why… a doll of course!  Ok, well I didn’t, not back then, but I do now and I couldn’t imagine a better doll to have in SL than this group gift from !gO! If you’ve never been to !gO! plan to spend quite a bit of time exploring this charming store.  I lost an entire night this week just hanging out in that fairytale inspired fun house.


Oh did you notice my kittycat skin?  Cute right?  Mmhhmm, another gift.  This Ploom Snow Kitten Skin is one of the advent calendar prizes at KIttyCatS Winterland.   There a big calendar with prizes that open each day from 24 fabulous content creators including these cute Nyte’N’Day pajamas and these incredible mittens from Malt.  I don’t think I’ve ever had mittens in SL before, but even if I had a hundred pairs I think these would be my favorite, the detail is incredible.  This Winter Wonderland is so much fun, much more than just gifts.   You can take a gondola up the hill, toboggan down, tour around on a horse-drawn sleigh ride, sip cocoa with friends around a fire, skate, or in my case I tried out my new snowshoes. 


Why yes, yes I do snowshoe in pajamas and mittens.  Why do you ask Sir?

 The pose is a gift from Adorkable.  They are running their own Advent calendar.  Each day you go there is a different free pose.  I probably should have mentioned it earlier in the month so you could have started collecting on the 1st, but there is still time to collect the rest of the month.  This is one of the best things I could ask for in Second Life, especially as I pursue more photography, because poses really help capture the message of the pictures as much as the lighting or angle.  Thank you Adorkable.



KittyCatS Winter Wonderland


Houses, Flutters and Phantoms… oh my!

How did this happen again?  A busy busy week and I didn’t blog a single thing.  *sigh*  I think I need to hire a ghost writer.

First, I have a house now!  Still the same mainland plot, I’m quite fond of it actually, but I now have stuff.  An actual house, even furniture!  My flutter collection had taken over my 117 prims so I was living on just an empty platform but a very generous friend has donated a significant chunk of land and more prims than I could ever have dreamed of for me to move my collection to so that I could actually live on my land.  So now my mainland plot is all mine, just for me, and my flutters live off site in their own garden.

I also got a makeover.  I had blogged before that I struggle to find a look for the avatar I use for this project.  She’s blank to me, a shell.  I have no problem shopping for my roleplay characters, I know what suits the genre, I know their personalities and stories, I know what they look like in my mind but being OOC has been a huge struggle.  I was completely revamping my avatar weekly, daily even, depending on what I was doing and what I was picking up at hunts.  I finally found a skin that that felt right though, and surprisingly it was from Laqroki.  They have gorgeous skins, don’t get me wrong, I never would have bought one if I didn’t love it.  However, my gorean characters are normally naked, or very close to it, and I haven’t purchased Laqroki before because… well… honestly I’m not a huge fan of the girl bits, the “down there” on their skins.  The avatar I use now though is usually clothed so I was able to treat myself to a pretty new face. 


It’s a huge departure from any avie I’ve made before but it feels right for some reason and just in time as the Butterfly Preservation Society is hosting a Papillon Winter Fair 2011 this weekend. 

If you are at all curious about Papillon Breedable butterflies, wisps, or plants please drop in.  It’s a great chance to meet the members of this community, to learn about these fantastic breedables and their self-sustaining ecosystem and to have some fun.  I am expecting that the auction on Saturday at 5 pm will feature some of the best flutters and wisps these breeders have in their collections as well as perhaps some of the new winter traits that were released just this week. 

There are scheduled classes and events, but you can stop in at any time and just mingle.  You’ll find all kinds of information posted up on the boards, as well as boxes of notecards you can pick up.  Members have set up booths selling some of their collection and are always willing to chat about this hobby with those that are just curious as well as new breeders.

Saturday December 3, 2011

Class  10 SLT

Class  2 SLT

Q&A session 4 SLT

Auction 5 SLT

Sunday December 4, 2011

Class 10 SLT

Class 2 SLT

DJ Party SLT BEST IN FAIRYTALE-Hosted by Migaia


 The Butterfly Preservation Society has also launched a new website, complete with blog posts and forums. and Kismet has written up a super helpful Butterflies 101 post

 My own collection has more than doubled  quadrupled in size somehow.  It’s not my fault!  Really.  I’m going to blame my enabler.  I really didn’t plan to take advantage of the extra prims or space that was given to me.  I thought I’d just move the collection I had over so that I could live on my own land again.  In my mind I was just going to keep the collection the same size.  Then some of my breeders dropped an  incredible triple mutation which included rainbow wings AND rainbow body with glow effects so I HAD to get a mate for him.  Then I realized I didn’t have a Bard or a Godfather… then I saw this gorgeous cocoon with Hollow wings…


Hmmm, perhaps I shouldn’t attend the auction after all.  Well… it can’t hurt to just go look though right?  Right?


Other big big news, and I KNOW you’ve been waiting for this one, the  Ravenswood Theater has announced another upcoming performance of Phantom of the Opera on Wednesday December 7th at 7pm SL time.

As before it’s limited seating in order to keep the performance running smoothly.  Head down to the box office and pick up an RSVP form, fill it out, and drop it in their mail box.  They will get back to you to confirm your seats.  You really really must see this if you are able to.  It’s a once in a SLifetime opportunity.